
Dilemma, the confusion of the world, and all its ugliness. The sin, the lies, and the evil…a young girl turns to the Divine, in need of clarity, in need of support…in need of guidance, she journals, far away from the loud city…near a pond where the crickets play their violins and the birds chirp to the wind…she writes…

I am more than the sum of compliments and approval I receive

I am infinite in comparison to the silly games you play…waiting for me to play, you look at me in disbelief. Criticizing me you say, “Don’t you know how to play? Why don’t you play?”

I respond with, “I’m not interested”

And all you hear is, “She is uninteresting”, taking from that interaction,

you believe you saw and knew the truth…I am simply less than you;

and all the other children who play that same game as you…

Vanishing out of sight, you tell all the other dead fish, pushed by the strong current, that I am nothing.

Nothing to look out, the glimmering light they saw from the distance was simply fool’s gold, “it shall be ignored”

and ignored it was, off you go, off they go,

swimming with the dead fish,

not recognizing that they are already dead, that they have died but not in the right way… washed away to their resting place…to be purified and revived.

Play your game, I know better than to step in your murky waters,

I won’t be tempted,

I scream, “Get behind me Satan!”

And behind me you are, a distant memory,

I ascend into paradise and bliss…

orange trees and apple trees consume the land, the birds sing in perfect unity,

and my Father in Heaven holds me near, puts his hand on my heart…tells me I am beloved and I am safe.

“No need to play the game” he gentle whispers as he brushes my hair back…

Changing His tone he says,

“Stand up child! This is not you…no need to dream the nightmare any longer…”

The girl, she awakes, no longer in a dream…in a nightmare, she awakens to see the beauty around her, leaving her loud mind, leaving her words, pen, and journal.. she follows God’s voice (gently), in the leaves of the trees, hung and fallen, the dance of the wind upon her face, the warm, green grass…and she wakes up into Reality.

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